BB here refers to BB cream :)
I am the kind of person who loves to get her face done before going out. This was done quite excessively (hehe) when I was younger. Early and mid 20s.
Now that I am married, I often have to take into consideration on how long the other party is willing to wait for me :P
Not that long I reckon.
So this is where BB cream comes in handy for me.
I started using BB cream sometime in 2009. I used to be a sucker for anything Korean (now I've recovered) so when the BB cream wave hit the world, of course, I have to be part of it too. Naturally.
BB cream is like an all in one tinted moisturizer. Gives natural looking coverage with heaps of benefits (sun protection, heal the blemishes, and the likes). Truth be told, after years of using it, I don't really notice the healing of blemishes but I continue to use it because it seems to be faster than the usual foundation and I also love the fact that it looks natural, far from being cake-y.
What I did normally (and this routine would take me less than 5 mins) are :
1. Squeeze an adequate amount onto my palm (I only need about the size of 10 cents coin but this differs - according to brands)
2. Dot it all over my face.
3. Blend.
4. Extra dots and blending (by patting) on troubled areas.
5. With a bit of eyeliner, mascara and a lipgloss, I'm done. And oh, face powder too to set everything right. Hehe.
Easy peasy. And it works wonder. So that's why I have long ditched the normal foundation.
I have only used 3 products (the full size tube) and some samples which brands and types I've forgotten.
But those 3 are :
1. Dr G (or also known as Gowoonsesang) Brightening Balm.
2. Missha M vita BB Cream.
3. Etude House BB Magic cream.
And my favourite is definitely the one by Dr G, followed closely by Etude Magic. The former needs only a little dollop for each use while the latter needs a tad more. I bought Dr G at Sasa and I'd need to go there soon to get me a new tube. The other two brands can be bought at their own outlets.
I could see many brands producing BB cream nowadays and since I've found the one that works for me, I'd rather not try other brands.
Before purchasing a tube of BB cream perhaps it's wise to ask for a sample so that you know whether it will be suitable for your skin. Or perhaps, just tell the Sale Assistant your skin condition and she would be able to find the one that works well for your complexion. Skin changes as we age and sometimes, it also changes according to humidity and weather so you might like to have a few choices as a back up. There are also people who use different BB cream for day and night. It all falls back to what works well for you :)
So, do you BB?
Human beings are born curious. I know you are. So read up, and quench your curiosity. Heh Heh.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
saying I do.
Kalau omputih derang ckp I do lah kan, tapi kalau muslim, suami je yang lafaz akad. Yang isteri cakap setuju dinikahkan ke tidak aje. Hehe.
In about two weeks, a friend of mine is getting married.
Dulu dia yang amik gambar wedding kami, nanti dia pulak yang di amik gambar ;p
She'll be getting married nun jauuuuh di perlis. InshaAllah we'll be there. By hook or by crook omputih kata.
Apa perasaan time wedding date dah dekat ek?
Kalau ingat balik, rasanya kalau tak silap rasa macam "eh eh betulke aku dah nak kawin ni". Lepas tu rasa "cepatlah masa berlalu boleh tak"? Bukan sebab gatal nak kawen ke ape :"> Tapi sebab rasa macam serabut selagi hari yang penting ni tak dilalui as there are mountain of things to be done before the date arrives.
Bila da setel akad, majlis dan amek gambar. LEGA!
Tapi memang super penat. Penatnye tu sampai seminggu baru rasa okay skit. Macamlah time kenduri tu tolong masak ke apa bagai kan :P Tapi tuh la kenyataannya. Penat betul.
I hope her wedding will go smoothly and I'm sure it will be beautiful. Beautiful sebab akan di attend oleh her loved ones and beautiful sebab diberkati. Buat perkara yang baik mestilah diberkati kan :)
Jodoh adalah something yang mysterious kan. Kalau memang betul tu jodoh kita, inshaAllah terus senang je proses dari zaman kenal kenal sampaila ke gerbang perkahwinan. Tapi kalau bukan jodoh kita, rasa macam banyak aje halangan. Bersyukurlah da jumpa jodoh kita :) Sekarang fokus nak buat yang terbaik untuk apa yang dah ditakdirkan. Make the best out of every situation that is destined for us.
Kalau yang belum jumpa jodoh dia tu, it's okay. Mana kita nak tau apa akan jadi in years to come. Kalau orang dok pakat tanya "bila nak kawen?" Jawab aje la dengan senyuman manis "belum jumpa lagi jodoh saya..". Orang ni kengkadang dia lupa, it takes two people in order to get married. Lainlah kalau buleh kawin sorang sorang, yang tu boleh la dengan konfiden kita jawab plan kita nak kawen bila. Haih. And I believe in one thing, never ever get married just because everyone else is doing it too. Nanti bila tak ready tapi kawin jugak, lagikla haru. Kawin bila the time is right, you've found THE ONE and you can feel it in your heart that it's something that has to be done.
Rasa eksaited nak attend wedding cik bakal puan ni. Dapat jumpa kengkawan yang dah lamaaaa gila tak jumpa. Dari size S sampai la ni XXL pun boleh. Haha. Which reminds me, perhaps it's time to crash diet? :D Naaaah. *jeling eskrim dlm peti ais*
In about two weeks, a friend of mine is getting married.
Dulu dia yang amik gambar wedding kami, nanti dia pulak yang di amik gambar ;p
She'll be getting married nun jauuuuh di perlis. InshaAllah we'll be there. By hook or by crook omputih kata.
Apa perasaan time wedding date dah dekat ek?
Kalau ingat balik, rasanya kalau tak silap rasa macam "eh eh betulke aku dah nak kawin ni". Lepas tu rasa "cepatlah masa berlalu boleh tak"? Bukan sebab gatal nak kawen ke ape :"> Tapi sebab rasa macam serabut selagi hari yang penting ni tak dilalui as there are mountain of things to be done before the date arrives.
Bila da setel akad, majlis dan amek gambar. LEGA!
Tapi memang super penat. Penatnye tu sampai seminggu baru rasa okay skit. Macamlah time kenduri tu tolong masak ke apa bagai kan :P Tapi tuh la kenyataannya. Penat betul.
I hope her wedding will go smoothly and I'm sure it will be beautiful. Beautiful sebab akan di attend oleh her loved ones and beautiful sebab diberkati. Buat perkara yang baik mestilah diberkati kan :)
Jodoh adalah something yang mysterious kan. Kalau memang betul tu jodoh kita, inshaAllah terus senang je proses dari zaman kenal kenal sampaila ke gerbang perkahwinan. Tapi kalau bukan jodoh kita, rasa macam banyak aje halangan. Bersyukurlah da jumpa jodoh kita :) Sekarang fokus nak buat yang terbaik untuk apa yang dah ditakdirkan. Make the best out of every situation that is destined for us.
Kalau yang belum jumpa jodoh dia tu, it's okay. Mana kita nak tau apa akan jadi in years to come. Kalau orang dok pakat tanya "bila nak kawen?" Jawab aje la dengan senyuman manis "belum jumpa lagi jodoh saya..". Orang ni kengkadang dia lupa, it takes two people in order to get married. Lainlah kalau buleh kawin sorang sorang, yang tu boleh la dengan konfiden kita jawab plan kita nak kawen bila. Haih. And I believe in one thing, never ever get married just because everyone else is doing it too. Nanti bila tak ready tapi kawin jugak, lagikla haru. Kawin bila the time is right, you've found THE ONE and you can feel it in your heart that it's something that has to be done.
Rasa eksaited nak attend wedding cik bakal puan ni. Dapat jumpa kengkawan yang dah lamaaaa gila tak jumpa. Dari size S sampai la ni XXL pun boleh. Haha. Which reminds me, perhaps it's time to crash diet? :D Naaaah. *jeling eskrim dlm peti ais*
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
wonderful wednesday
Sekejap da nak hujung minggu :)
Minggu ni nampak gayenye penungguan surat tidak berhasil sebab surat itu is yet to be released. Mungkin hujung bulan nih, ataupun early next month. Sabar aje lah.
Kalau ikut kata hati, macam nak hantar tender.
Tapi, sabar..
Selagi belum ada hitam putih, walaupun dah tau result nya cemana, anything can happen. Nauzubillah. Harap harap takla :(
Several posts back, I wrote something about how I wish there'll be a good news in the weeks to come. Alhamdulillah. Memang ada. And this is regarding my career :)
Tapi macam yang sebut kat atas tuh la, selagi belum ada hitam putih, bersabar lah hati.
Walaupun kerja bertimbun sampai berdenyut kepala nih dan P&P dalam kelas semakin mencabar dengan perangai yang pelbagai, tapi, sabarrrrr. Sekolah baru ni memang environment dia jauhhhh beza dengan yang dulu. Yang mengubat hati hanyelah the fact that each time before I am off to work/back from work I'd be able to see my husband. Bukan stakat cakap kat tepon saje. Nak gaduh manje pun susah tau kat tepon. Hehehe.
Ramai lagi have it worse.
Kira beruntunglah saya.
Ada rezeki tak ke mana. InshaAllah sebelah kaki dah 'di situ'. Hehe. Tak sampai hati nak type kat mana. Biar lah official dulu. Lagipun belum tau lagi gaji dia offer berapa. Herms. Terpaksa materialistik skit lah. Realiti kehidupan ni. Tempat posting pun tak tau sebenarnya kat mana. Tapi yakin bukan kat sinun. Waktu interview asyik dimomokkan "sanggup ke kalo pegi ke ***"?
Heheheh. Mintak maaf, tak sanggup.
Laki den kojo kek sini. Sapo nak tengokkan dio?
Doalah yang terbaik.
Dan sementara itu, semoga Allah anugerahkan saya ketabahan hati yang tinggi. Supaya dapat jalani hari hari dengan baik. Smooth. Tenang. Siapa suke bila hati susah. I hate the feeling. Terus nanti rasa nak jadik budak kecik balik/time study. Best betul.
Tapi kene accept reality. Itu tanggungjawab jadi adult.
There's a mantra that I need to say to myself, repeatedly. And more often.
"Segala yang pahit tu terjadi sebab ada sesuatu yang sangat manis di penghujungnya".
Kena psycho diri sendiri nih banyak banyak :P
I'm ending this entry with a picture I got from happy things tumbelog.
Be thankful. Susah kan nak buat. Tapi it could make your life feels better!
Minggu ni nampak gayenye penungguan surat tidak berhasil sebab surat itu is yet to be released. Mungkin hujung bulan nih, ataupun early next month. Sabar aje lah.
Kalau ikut kata hati, macam nak hantar tender.
Tapi, sabar..
Selagi belum ada hitam putih, walaupun dah tau result nya cemana, anything can happen. Nauzubillah. Harap harap takla :(
Several posts back, I wrote something about how I wish there'll be a good news in the weeks to come. Alhamdulillah. Memang ada. And this is regarding my career :)
Tapi macam yang sebut kat atas tuh la, selagi belum ada hitam putih, bersabar lah hati.
Walaupun kerja bertimbun sampai berdenyut kepala nih dan P&P dalam kelas semakin mencabar dengan perangai yang pelbagai, tapi, sabarrrrr. Sekolah baru ni memang environment dia jauhhhh beza dengan yang dulu. Yang mengubat hati hanyelah the fact that each time before I am off to work/back from work I'd be able to see my husband. Bukan stakat cakap kat tepon saje. Nak gaduh manje pun susah tau kat tepon. Hehehe.
Ramai lagi have it worse.
Kira beruntunglah saya.
Ada rezeki tak ke mana. InshaAllah sebelah kaki dah 'di situ'. Hehe. Tak sampai hati nak type kat mana. Biar lah official dulu. Lagipun belum tau lagi gaji dia offer berapa. Herms. Terpaksa materialistik skit lah. Realiti kehidupan ni. Tempat posting pun tak tau sebenarnya kat mana. Tapi yakin bukan kat sinun. Waktu interview asyik dimomokkan "sanggup ke kalo pegi ke ***"?
Heheheh. Mintak maaf, tak sanggup.
Laki den kojo kek sini. Sapo nak tengokkan dio?
Doalah yang terbaik.
Dan sementara itu, semoga Allah anugerahkan saya ketabahan hati yang tinggi. Supaya dapat jalani hari hari dengan baik. Smooth. Tenang. Siapa suke bila hati susah. I hate the feeling. Terus nanti rasa nak jadik budak kecik balik/time study. Best betul.
Tapi kene accept reality. Itu tanggungjawab jadi adult.
There's a mantra that I need to say to myself, repeatedly. And more often.
"Segala yang pahit tu terjadi sebab ada sesuatu yang sangat manis di penghujungnya".
Kena psycho diri sendiri nih banyak banyak :P
I'm ending this entry with a picture I got from happy things tumbelog.

dD's zone
Monday, January 16, 2012
Al fatihah.
This one is for my dearest friend.
I just did an entry about passing on and never did it cross my mind that it is an indication of something. That a friend would lose her dad. In an accident.
DD, my dad just died in an accident. Al fatihah to ****.
That was the text that I received earlier this afternoon. I was at school. I called her later when I got the chance. But we were both choked up for words. It is traumatic to lose your loved ones in an accident. I should know. I lost my dad in an accident too, when I was 13.
It's like, one minute he was there. Fine, healthy and dandy. The next minute, he was gone. We weren't prepared.
I'm certain this news was a shock to them.
I wish I am next to her, comforting her.
She's one of the strongest person I've known. I know she would be able to go through this trying time. But to get from this stage where you feel like you are in a terrible dream to another where you would be able to accept things that has happened and able to tell it to other people, it takes time.
Hang in there my dear friend.
My thoughts, dreams and prayers are with you and your family.
InshaAllah I'll pay you a visit. And give you that delayed hug..
Semoga Allah tempatkan roh beliau di kalangan hambaNya yang beriman. Al fatihah.
I just did an entry about passing on and never did it cross my mind that it is an indication of something. That a friend would lose her dad. In an accident.
DD, my dad just died in an accident. Al fatihah to ****.
That was the text that I received earlier this afternoon. I was at school. I called her later when I got the chance. But we were both choked up for words. It is traumatic to lose your loved ones in an accident. I should know. I lost my dad in an accident too, when I was 13.
It's like, one minute he was there. Fine, healthy and dandy. The next minute, he was gone. We weren't prepared.
I'm certain this news was a shock to them.
I wish I am next to her, comforting her.
She's one of the strongest person I've known. I know she would be able to go through this trying time. But to get from this stage where you feel like you are in a terrible dream to another where you would be able to accept things that has happened and able to tell it to other people, it takes time.
Hang in there my dear friend.
My thoughts, dreams and prayers are with you and your family.
InshaAllah I'll pay you a visit. And give you that delayed hug..
Semoga Allah tempatkan roh beliau di kalangan hambaNya yang beriman. Al fatihah.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
hopes and fears
Kejap betul dah mid January. Tak lama lagi I'm turning 28. Orang kata tak lama lagi dah drive 3 series. Kan best kalo umor 30 dapat BMW betul, this would make people REALLY looking forward to be 30.
Bila umur bakal jadi makin tua, (in fact setiap hari pun kita makin tua jugak sebenarnya kan) it makes me ponder on death, a lot. When, how, where, why.
Memang tak dapat dinafikan, hati nih kecut bila fikir pasal mati sebab tak pasti layak ke untuk jadi penghuni syurga. Tapi, kalau hidup lama lama sangat pun tak seronok jugak sebab mesti dosa pun makin bertambah?
I hope that when my time comes, I won't be leaving others with burden. Tak nak pergi dengan menyusahkan orang orang terdekat.
If only we can choose the way we die and when.
Oleh itu, dengan ini, saya dengan rendah hati, minta maaf kalau pernah melukakan hati anda (tak kisahlah dengan percakapan, perbuatan, penulisan dan sebagainya). Semoga lepas ini kita sama sama akan jadi manusia yang lebih baik, dari segi spiritual dan duniawi. Semoga tahun ini dapat dilalui dengan tenang dan sukses bersama keluarga dan rakan tersayang :)
Bila umur bakal jadi makin tua, (in fact setiap hari pun kita makin tua jugak sebenarnya kan) it makes me ponder on death, a lot. When, how, where, why.
Memang tak dapat dinafikan, hati nih kecut bila fikir pasal mati sebab tak pasti layak ke untuk jadi penghuni syurga. Tapi, kalau hidup lama lama sangat pun tak seronok jugak sebab mesti dosa pun makin bertambah?
I hope that when my time comes, I won't be leaving others with burden. Tak nak pergi dengan menyusahkan orang orang terdekat.
If only we can choose the way we die and when.
Oleh itu, dengan ini, saya dengan rendah hati, minta maaf kalau pernah melukakan hati anda (tak kisahlah dengan percakapan, perbuatan, penulisan dan sebagainya). Semoga lepas ini kita sama sama akan jadi manusia yang lebih baik, dari segi spiritual dan duniawi. Semoga tahun ini dapat dilalui dengan tenang dan sukses bersama keluarga dan rakan tersayang :)
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